Who We Are

Foremost Nonprofit for Veterans in Lavon

Welcome to the Repatriated Foundation, where we are committed to serving our nation's veterans with compassion, dedication, and personalized care. Our non-profit organization is proud to offer a range of services that are designed to support veterans in need, including assistance with VA claims and benefits, home ...

From Volunteering to Passion: Our Story With Veterans

Our founder began assisting veterans when she was younger, inspired by her deep appreciation and respect for those who have served our country. Her passion for helping veterans became even more personal when she married a U.S. Army combat veteran. Together, they joined their local VFW and began volunteering their ...


  • Dignity Preservation
  • Resilience Development
  • Empowerment Program
  • Brotherhood Building
  • Comprehensive Assistance
  • Personalized Care

Contact Us

Let's Work Together to Empower Veterans

Thank you for considering The Repatriated Foundation for your veteran assistance needs. Please fill out the contact form below, and we will be in touch shortly to discuss how we can best serve you.